Legal Report by Gordon Kerr - EuRA Strategic Consultant - Legal Services

It’s fair to say that the GDPR has been the dominant legal concern of the relocation industry (and most other industries!) in 2018.  It’s also fairly certain that the GDPR will continue to get a lot of focus in the year ahead, as prosecutions and court decisions provide us with greater clarity on how the GDPR is being interpreted in practice.  I will be monitoring this for EuRA and updating members of relevant developments. Fortunately, there is more to the legal world than data protection law and in this Report I bring to your attention some other legal issues which can impact on relocati
Tad & Sylvie


The 2018 WERC Global Workforce Symposium took place in the terrific East Coast city of Seattle.

The GWS is one of the biggest events in the global mobility calendar and EuRA members from across the world came into Seattle to attend this and other partner and RMC conferences across the US, from Denver to Nebraska.  But also mainly of course, for the annual EuRA USA reception!


CEO Report - Why is EuRA an "NFP"?

Autumn for me means conference season; both our own EuRA Global event and those of our mobility partners, CERC, IAM and WERC.  EuRA has built strong relationships with our partners in mobility and we are working closer together in the best interests of our members.  One of the areas we are looking at closer collaboration is in the training realm.  Dominic and our team of brilliant minds led by Carmelina Lawton Smith, our Strategic Consultant for Education, have been working on expanding our MIM qualification into a truly unique, free, continuing professional development programme.  This lau


Christmas Traditions Around the World - Dominic Tidey EuRA C.O.O

Bavaria & Austria
