Tio de Nadal or Caga Tio - “The Poop Log” Catalunya, Spain
During the holiday season you will find this little character in many Catalan and Aragonese homes. Tio is a hollow log, about 30cm long with four stick legs and smiling face, topped off with a miniature bar retina hat. Starting on December 8th, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, one gives Tio a little morsel to “eat” every night. He must be well taken care of by the children of the house, wrapped in a blanket at night so he doesn’t get a chill. The story goes, that if you feed him, and care for him, by Christmas Day he will poop out the presents for the kids to enjoy! On the day, the children go to a different room, warm Tio by the fire giving the parents the opportunity to put their presents under a blanket, traditionally small things including Turon, sweets and small toys. Traditionally the flooring song will be sung;
"Caga tió,
caga torró,
avellanes i mató,
si no cagues bé
et daré un cop de bastó.
caga tió!”
poop log,
poop nougats (turrón),
hazelnuts and mató cheese,
if you don't poop well,
I'll hit you with a stick,
poop log!