June 01st, 2017

Goodbye from the Outgoing President

Anita Meyer

Anita Meyer - The Map Group


When the EuRA board pointed at me a couple of years ago to follow in the footsteps of Patrick Oman – and many other fabulous relocation personalities before him - to take over the presidency of the European Relocation Association, I said thanks but no thanks. It seemed like the kind of responsibility I was not prepared for. I like playing the second violin, not the first.

At the end of the 2 year term, I agree with Winnie-the-Pooh:  “Goodbye? Oh no, please, can’t we go back to page one and do it all over again?”

The EuRA office, steered and navigated by Tad and Dominic, powered by Briony, Maree and Maria, with the support of intern Danny, is all the president needs to succeed. They’re always there to listen and give advice to the members, they orchestrate conferences to a point of perfection that is envied by the entire relocation industry, they bring ideas to the board to improve the association, to optimize the trainings, to maintain the level of proficiency of the Global EuRA Quality Seal, and at the end of the day, what sets apart the EuRA crew from any other crew: they are so nice, so friendly, while being professional at the highest level in our industry.

I admit having a soft spot for Winnie-the-Pooh, when A.A. Milne made him say “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

To the board members who were on board 6 years ago and lured me in, thanks for the memories that will last a life time. To the ones that have come on board along the way, and the new recruits who join us this year, thanks for believing in EuRA, thank you for committing to make the association great, greater, greatest.

It’s probably an overkill of quotes, but I always liked F. Scott Fitzgerald’s one: “Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.” Don’t miss an opportunity to participate in a EuRA event, you will regret it for ever….



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