October 31st, 2018

InterCultural Word of the Week! Friolento - Dominic Tidey EuRA C.O.O.

Maria Friolento

Maria Manly, EuRA’s Communications Coordinator is very friolento!  As a native of Tuscany in Italy she finds the British weather cold and is frequently shivery.  This is the definition of friolento - someone who is especially sensitive to the cold.  EuRA Board Member Susana Bourne, a native Madreleño, is also very friolento and much prefers the EuRA conferences to be held in southern climates!


Dominic Tidey is the C.O.O. of EuRA, the European Relocation Association.  EuRA is the professional industry body for relocation providers and affiliated services. As a non-profit organisation EuRA aims to promote the benefits of a professionally managed relocation to companies with globally mobile employees.

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