WERC, EuRA and CERC have joined together to run a two day symposium in April to highlight the vital role of Global Mobility in post pandemic growth.
Global mobility and the migration of highly skilled talent are vitally important to economic growth and sustainability.
The post-pandemic workplace and the role of work are radically different than just a year ago. The systems and regulatory frameworks that govern the movement of employees across borders are outdated and will be a drag on recovery. This must be addressed with some urgency.
WERC, EuRA and CERC have joined together to run a two day symposium in April to highlight the vital role of Global Mobility in post pandemic growth.
The post-pandemic workplace and the role of work are radically different than just a year ago. The systems and regulatory frameworks that govern the movement of employees across borders are outdated and will be a drag on recovery. This must be addressed with some urgency.
Cost: EuRA Members €100
The world of work, how we work and where we work, has been permanently transformed by the COVID pandemic. These realities create significant challenges for organizations in managing the workforce in this new world of work.
Remote working and work from anywhere arrangements require far different management systems than those of the past. In a post-pandemic world, organizations must have comprehensive strategies in place to manage and deploy talent, with controls to safeguard employee safety and ensure corporate compliance with a plethora of government regulations.
Existing regulations and processes do not support the needs and realities of modern business. Immigration regulations, tax, social security schemes and global compensation systems are designed for a bygone era. Work from anywhere are the new realities.
Modernization and harmonization of laws and regulations that provide business with predictable outcomes and provide fairness and security to employees are needed.
A declaration to support the development of global mobility framework that would expedite the movement of skilled workers between countries or regions.
The WorldwideERC, EuRA and Canadian Employee Relocation Council (CERC) are membership organizations that provide leadership and a voice for the global mobility industry. Through their education and professional development programs they advance the value of the many professionals working in the field of employee relocation. To ensure business has access to global talent, the three organizations collaborate in areas of research, education, and advocacy in their respective countries and through participation in international bodies.
To learn more about WorldwideERC visit https://www.worldwideerc.org/
To learn more about EuRA visit https://www.eura-relocation.com/
To learn more about CERC visit https://www.cerc.ca/
Member price:
100,00 EUR (excluding VAT)
Non-member price:
150,00 EUR (excluding VAT)